Theodoros Chetames, an Armenian general killed by Baldwin of Boulogne
Los 1984
Theodoros Chetames (Thoros, son of Hetoum), kouropalates and doux of Melitene, circa 1074. Seal (Lead, 28 mm, 18.74 g, 11 h). Θ / ΘЄ/O-Δ/OP/O, Saint Theodore, nimbate, standing facing, holding a spear in his right hand and resting his left hand on a shield. Rev. OMⲰNV/MON CON Δ૪/KA K૪POΠAΛA/THN MAPTVC / XЄTAMHN TO/N MЄΛITHN, / CKЄΠOIC ('Martyr, may you protect your namesake, Chetames kouropalates and doux of Melitene'). Sandrovskaja/Seibt 62. Spink 132 (Zacos sale II), 130. Wassiliou-Seibt, Corpus II, 1618. A very important seal of great historical interest, beautifully preserved. Minor surface roughness on the reverse and the flan slightly bent, otherwise, good very fine.

The Armenian officer Theodoros Chetames is mentioned by Michael the Syrian as the first commander of Melitene. He was installed in 1074 by the 'generalissimus' Philaretos Brachamios amidst the chaos in the aftermath of the Battle of Manzikert, when he bore the Byzantine court dignity of kouropalates, as evidenced by our seal. Two decades later, in 1094/95, Theodoros was appointed commander of Edessa by the Seljuk sultan Tutus, but proceeded to gain control of the city for himself (see the seal in Leu Web Auction 9 (2019), 1363), fighting off a Turkish siege in the process. In 1098, a small army of Crusader knights arrived in Edessa, headed by Baldwin of Boulogne. They were greeted into the city as allies, and Theodoros adopted Baldwin as his son and heir. However, events turned against him, and he was killed in a revolt, perhaps at the instigation of Baldwin, who thus secured Edessa as his own realm
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